Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Birthday & Clothing Show

Haven't written in a while. Need to get back on track. The last couple of weeks have been somewhat of a rollercoaster in terms of Stephen and I. I feel like now things are somewhat back to being great again. Hopefully it will remain and grow into something even greater :)

Last weekend was Bianca's birthday. On Friday, we ended up getting a room at the Hilton Garden Inn and going to Century Room afterwards. I met up with Kim and Tony for dinner at the Rivoli after their helicopter ride (Tony's birthday present to Kim). I tried their mac 'n cheese which I did not find tasty at all.
I love my ice.

I didn't really have that great of a time in the club. But the whole night was pretty entertaining overall. I think I went to sleep at 5:30 am and woke up at 7 and went to Cora's for breakfast with Kim. After I got home in the afternoon I ended up falling asleep and the rest of the day was mostly a write-off.

The aftermath.
Someone's not feeling that great.
Sleep deprived.
On Sunday, Kim and I ventured to the Clothing Show. It was a gorgeous day out, and I figured it would be interesting to check out the stuff they had. I didn't end up getting anything except for four boxes of very interesting cookies (at a clothing show, go figure :P). Ended up running into Stephen's sisters (one of whom I have not met yet, as she lives in Australia and just recently came into town to visit), which was amusing. Later on we ventured to a shisha bar called Desert Nights, where Tony and Aliona came to meet us. It was a nice place to just chill out and talk. Can't say I really liked the shisha there though. Overall, I liked how it was an eventfull weekend.
Louboutins :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cottage - Day 2

The second day at the cottage was ok. We woke up to discover that the power was out in the whole area due to the rain that morning. It turned back on in an hour or so, and the heavy rain cleared up by the afternoon. I was really tired for most of the day, and kept taking naps throughout. At one point, I decided to go for a nice walk alone and see the surroundings. The whole weekend was pretty chill, and I'm glad I went up and got to spend some time with my friends.
Eggs Benedict. With peameal bacon. Good way to start the day.
The Village at Blue Mountain.
Mmm. Barbeque.
Ria's delicious looking cupcakes. Did not get around to trying one though.
Stephen and I got stuck in the room with the bunk beds. We made the best of it.